Need to know how to play ukulele chords? What are the chords in the songs you are learning? When you’re first starting out, it’s best to stick to major, minor and 7th chords as they’re the easiest to play. Please, download one of these free ukulele chord charts first, and then read on…
Ukulele Chord Chart for Absolute Beginners
Left-Handed Ukulele Chord Chart for Absolute Beginners
Now you’ve got the chord chart that’s relevant to you (use the left-handed one, if you play left-handed though many left-handed people choose to play right-handed, which is another story that you can read about here).
Put the headstock to the top of the sheet, by the title of the page, look at the diagrams, next to your fretboard. The blobs in the diagrams show you which bits of the ukulele fretboard to put your fingers on.

Ukulele Fretboard = Chord Grid… the blobs show you where to put your fingers.
Within the blobs, there are numbers. They show you which finger to use. Your fingers are numbered, like this:

Index/pointer = 1
Middle – 2
Ring = 3
Little/pinky = 4
Following so far? Now, here’s how you make a C chord:

Where to put your finger for the C chord
Please share these chord charts with other peoples, and make use it yourself. If you want to start putting this into practice by playing songs rather than abstract chords, grab yourself a free songbook, with a few hundred popular songs in it, what are you waiting for? Get yourself along to the Ukulele Wednesdays website and get a copy of their free .pdf book.
If you’re in London, UK, you’ll learn this in our courses. Join us. Book your course.
If you’ve enjoyed this, here are some more posts of ours that might help:
How to play the G chord, here.
See how to play Bb chord on the ukulele, here.
How to play the E chord, on the ukulele here.
Do you want 6 basic strum patterns to get you going? See more here.
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Updated on 25/9/2019.