It’s official! You can take your ukulele as well as hand luggage on flights!*
*If your uke is in a soft case, that is…

Virtuoso player James Hill travels globally with his ukulele.Check him out on YouTube, he’s awesome!
Ever wished you could take your laptop bag or handbag AND your ukulele on a flight with you? Yes, me too. Actually, I already have been taking my ukulele away with me for the past 6 years, in addition to my bag, and people often question it, but I’ve never been stopped by the airline. A violinist friend told me about a loop hole about small instruments on flights, and the lady who I talked to when I joined the Musicians Union also confirmed this, so long as I had my MU card with me, and the flight card, I should be alright to take my ukulele along in addition to one other piece of hand luggage. Now, it’s open knowledge – they’re looking to change the regulations, after a string of complaints over broken instruments, with people like James Hill who owns a number of very expensive ukuleles, necessary for his livelihood, who has had to buy extra seats for his uke so they would let him on the plane with it. Other issues with people being forced to put very expensive instruments in the hold and they’ve come out broken, for which your insurance will try to hold you accountable.
Under the new regulations, due to come into force in 2015, if they go ahead airlines must accept you and your ukulele. As should the world at large!
Please read the full article on the Incorporated Society of Musicians website here.